Metadata Filtering
Filtering queries by document metadata
Often, you will want to attach metadata information to each document. Then, when sending queries, you may want to filter documents based on that metadata information. ZeroEntropy supports query-time metadata filtering via a comprehensive metadata query language.
Metadata Specification
Document metadata must be of the type dict[str, str | list[str]]
. For example, you could attach the following JSON object as document metadata,
.Metadata Filtering
Basic Usage
In order to filter, you can use the operators $eq
, $ne
, $gt
, $gte
, $lt
, $lte
. These operators represent “equals”, “not equals”, “greater than”, “greater than or equal to”, “less than”, and “less than or equal to”, respectively. Here is an example of a few filters,
You can check whether or not a string attribute matches a list using $in
and $nin
for “in” and “not in” operations.
for that document. In other words, $eq
, $gt
, $gte
, $lt
, $lte
will all always evaluate to false
. But, $neq
will always evaluate to true
, because null
is not equal to any string. Be careful to not have any typos in your query attribute name, or you may not match any documents!Lists of Strings
When using a “list of strings” metadata attribute, the attribute name must start with list:
. For example, you can set list:tags
to be a list of tags for a blog article document.
List of strings can only be used with the operators $in
, $nin
. These operators will execute “set intersection”. Meaning, a in b
is true
if and only if a
and b
have at least one element in common. Here are a few examples,
! If you accidentally query for tags
, then you will not find any results. You must query for list:tags
.Boolean Operators
If you want to combine filters, you can use $and
, $or
as boolean operators. These boolean operators will take in an array of filters. They can also be used recursively to create a tree of boolean logic.